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Professional Grade All-Natural Perio Rinse

Professional Grade All-Natural Perio Rinse

ThinkSmarter’s Perio Rinse is a powerful oral wash designed to help remove bacteria and fight against infection, shortening healing time for patients. Formulated with hypochlorous acid (HOCl), this all-natural rinse requires no rinse, leaves no residue, and has a non-bleach formulation, making it safe and gentle for use in the mouth. Currently used in oral surgery, this convenient and easy-to-use product can be safely used before, during, and after dental procedures to cleanse the mouth and remove bacteria. It is available in 8oz bottles and can be used as directed to achieve the desired results.

ThinkSmarter ProductsPerio Rinse is a homecare oral wash designed with both the patient and dental offices in mind. Formulated with hypochlorous acid (HOCl), this rinse is all natural, requires no rinse, leaves no residue, and has a non-bleach formulation, making it safe and gentle for use in the mouth. It is currently used in oral surgery and has virtually no side effects or harm to the patient. Available in 8oz bottles.

This powerful oral rinse is specifically formulated to remove bacteria and fight against infection, shortening healing time for the patient. It is easy to use and can be safely used before, during, and after dental procedures to cleanse the mouth and remove bacteria. With a concentration of 250ppm hypochlorous acid, this rinse is highly effective at eliminating odors and killing 99.9% of bacteria.

In addition to its cleaning and disinfecting properties, the Perio Rinse is also convenient and easy to use. Simply shake the bottle before use and apply the rinse to the affected areas as directed. Let it air dry and use twice a day or as needed. This rinse is safe for use on all animal species of all ages and can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including hot spots and odors.

The Perio Rinse is environmentally safe and biodegradable, leaving no harmful residue behind. It is also non-irritating and hypoallergenic, making it suitable for use on sensitive skin. This versatile rinse can be used in farms, veterinary clinics, animal housing facilities, animal grooming facilities, and even homes. Make the Perio Rinse a part of your regular animal care routine and give your pets the protection they deserve.


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